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e Journal of Cataract & Reactive Surgery ( JCR S) LEADING A REVOLUTION 24 | SUPPLEMENT TO EYEWORLD T he first volume of JCRS, which began as a newsletter that was eventually named the AIOIS Journal and later transitioned to JCRS, was published in 1975. Early on, the journal was managed by Dr. Hoffer, who said he cut and pasted the typeset sheets at a local restaurant in Malibu and would lay it out manu- ally on the bar. Dr. Cooperman was brought on as the first scientific editor (1974–1976) and was followed by Dr. Drews (1977), Dr. Clayman (1978–1980), and Dr. Obstbaum. Dr. Obstbaum would serve as editor from 1981–2001 and was joined by the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) co-editor Emanuel Rosen, MD, 1996–2014. Following Dr. Obst- baum were Douglas Koch, MD (2001–2007), and Nick Mamalis, MD (2007–2020). e current JCRS editors are William Dupps Jr., MD, PhD, and omas Kohnen, MD, PhD. In the early years, Dr. Obstbaum said the journal was evidence of a group of people trying to build a scientific case for IOLs, not just the methodolog y for implan- tation but for efficacy and safety. During his service as associate editor, scientific editor, and editor, Dr. Obst- baum said he was amazed at how much members had to say. "My aspiration at that time was not to make the jour- nal what it turned out to be," he said. "I just wanted to make it the best means of written communication by our members that I possibly could." He added that the jour- nal falls within the educational arm of ASCRS. In the early years, Dr. Obstbaum said the editor on staff for the journal would sit off to the side of the stage and manually collect the papers that had just been pre- sented at the Annual Meeting for later publication in the journal. e AIOIS Journal was renamed JCRS in 1986. Ten years later, Dr. Obstbaum, who was still editor and friends with Dr. Rosen, saw a benefit of joining forces. JCRS became jointly run and edited by ASCRS and ESCRS. Dr. Obstbaum said it's been immensely gratifying to see the journal become a leader in the field. e 'orange' journal Why is JCRS orange? During a redesign, orange was a color Dr. Obstbaum particularly liked. "I thought that would be distinctive," he said. "It was different, and I wanted people to be able to know it was our journal. It wasn't another blue journal or another green journal. It defined our distinct identity." Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ® Volume 49 Issue 9 September 2023 Pages 903–1001 September 2023 JCRS Jour nal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ® Volume 49 Issue 9 Safety of office-based lens surgery: U.S. multicenter study IOL calculation formula for cataract patients with prior pars plana vitrectomy Comparison of EVO-ICL and laser vision correction for corneal endothelial cells: 3-year observational paired-eye study Relationship between postoperative residual refractive error and preoperative corneal stiffness in SMILE Gross photograph, scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopy showing the IOL opacifi cation, morphology, and ion components (see page 970) " I just wanted to make it the best means of written communication by our members that I possibly could." —STEPHEN OBSTBAUM, MD