Eyeworld Supplements

EW MAR 2012 - Sponsored by Bausch + Lomb

This is a supplement to EyeWorld Magazine.

Issue link: https://supplements.eyeworld.org/i/323298

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Crystalens through the Tracey iTrace [Tracey Technologies, Houston, Texas] have been able to show movement of the Crystalens AO. My average patient achieves very good distance vision; if the patient doesn't achieve good distance vision, I could always correct that with either LASIK or PRK. I target emmetropia in the domi- nant eye and about minus a half in the non-dominant eye, and most of my patients are reading about J2 or J3 with both eyes together. They're all getting 20/20 distance binocularly because if they don't get that, I'd do LASIK or PRK to make sure they do. Dr. Lindstrom: Dr. Ang, do you have data that can tell us what kind of vision we can achieve with this lens? Dr. Ang: Yes, we performed a prospective, randomized study comparing the Crystalens AO with the ReSTOR +3 [Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas] and the Tecnis Multifocal lens [Abbott Medical Optics, Santa Ana, Calif.]. I have always wondered how these lenses compare with each other in an objective way, so we compared will say that's all it is: a monofocal aspheric intraocular lens. Is it more than that? Dr. Dick: I don't consider comparing the Crystalens AO to an aspheric monofocal a criticism; it's an honor to have that comparison. Often you have this issue that aspheric IOLs have a narrow focus—when we talk about depth of focus, it is decreased rou- tinely with a standard monofocal as- pheric lens. The worst-case scenario with the Crystalens AO is we end up with an aspheric lens that performs well at a wide range of intermediate distances. Review of our internal records show that all our patients who have received the lens achieved excellent visual acuity. Dr. Kent: I think it's more than just a monofocal aspheric IOL. If it was just a monofocal aspheric IOL, then we could achieve no better than the same results with a standard monofocal IOL, and I know, from clinical experience, that doesn't happen. Those re- searchers who've put people with the March 2012 3 " I would much rather get that greater quality of vision for the intermediate and distance areas of focus than reduce their quality in ex- change for a little more near " Steven Dell, M.D. Patient criteria and demographics from Dr. Ang's study on Crystalens AO

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