The survey data shows about half of all prostaglandin
analog prescriptions per year are performed by ASCRS
members, as these represent about 62% of all their patients. Yet less than one-third of patients are believed to
be regularly compliant with their prostaglandin therapies.
While many factors are involved, generally 23-26 mm Hg
are the levels upon which respondents believe a combined glaucoma/cataract procedure is warranted, which
is about 10% of all procedures.
About one-quarter of cataract patients are currently being
co-managed for AMD or DME, however about one-third
of respondents do not agree that they have an in-depth
understanding of anti-VEGF therapies and their impact.
Interestingly, about 40% of respondents claim to be performing some volume of intravitreal injections themselves,
instead of referring it to a retinal specialist, however only
half of these doctors are doing this the majority of the