Eyeworld Supplements

2024 50 Years of ASCRS Supplement

This is a supplement to EyeWorld Magazine.

Issue link: https://supplements.eyeworld.org/i/1516004

Contents of this Issue


Page 14 of 67

1974–1980s SUPPLEMENT TO EYEWORLD | 15 AIOIS officers from 1975–1977 Source: Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD Dr. Hoffer in the OR in 1975. Source: Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD AIOIS sent out a mass mailing to a list of U.S. oph- thalmologists obtained by a local Alcon representative. Dr. Hoffer said it was $25 (that would be $153 today) to become a member and $100 ($610 today) to become a founding member. Dr. Hoffer held up his hands to demonstrate the stack of memberships that subsequent- ly came in by mail to the Los Angeles P.O. box. In November 1974, the Scientific Advisory Board convened for the first time in Dallas, Texas, at the Amer- ican Academy of Ophthalmolog y Annual Meeting, and the ball got rolling. By 1975, AIOIS membership was 300.

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