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FOCUSING ON THE THREE PILLARS OF THE SOCIETY 30 | SUPPLEMENT TO EYEWORLD A SCRS continued to expand in the 1990s and 2000s, adding resources for ed- ucation in expanded clinical areas, formally developing its advocacy efforts, and creat- ing a philanthropic arm. What keeps them coming back A meeting built on a 'culture of innovation' Edward Holland, MD, 2011–2012 ASCRS President, attended his first ASCRS Annual Meeting in the early 1990s. Working at the University of Minnesota, he was encouraged to attend by Stephen Lane, MD, and said, "[e ASCRS Annual Meeting ] was becoming the best meeting for anterior segment surgeons." Dr. Holland presented some of his work at the meeting and was immediately hooked aer seeing the incredible amount of content. "From that moment on, I've been every year," he said. Marguerite McDonald, MD, 2002–2003 ASCRS President, attended her first ASCRS Annual Meeting during her fellowship in the 1980s and said she hasn't missed a meeting since. She stressed the "culture of inno- vation" at the meeting, where anyone with an idea was welcomed to share their research. "Of course, patient safety is always first. at's our north star: Do no harm. But the innovation at the meeting—amazing things have been announced first at ASCRS. ere's a long list," Dr. McDonald said, adding later that at the meeting, it doesn't matter "who you are, what you look like, if you're male or female, if you're old- er, younger, what school you're at, or where you practice. If you have a great idea, hats off and ASCRS welcomes you, and that's a wonderful thing." Exposure to such innovative people and ideas at the meeting was inspiring, said Douglas Koch, MD, 2000– 2001 ASCRS President. "ese men and women really thought outside the box and were constantly coming up with new ideas. It was amazing being with people so open to change," he said. Dr. Koch was involved on the ASCRS Executive Committee when Charles Kelman, MD, was president from 1995–1997, and he also got involved with courses that Dr. Kelman taught, which he said, "was really a thrill." "It was an eye opener for me, coming from a more structured, rigid, academic environment, to see that kind of free thinking, and I think that was helpful to me at that stage of my career," he said. e principles that ASCRS was founded on continue to be seen at the meeting. Dr. Koch commented about in-person meet- ings and networking opportunities where ideas and questions were shared just by running into someone in the hallway or talking to someone who had been on the podium. "ere is a lot of that that occurs, and the meet- ing experience is still a core piece in the interaction with our colleagues," he said, adding that it's been gratifying to watch as different groups of leaders have emerged in the Society over the years. Dr. Steinert, a past president of ASCRS who also served as Annual Meeting program chair for a number of years. Source: ASCRS Dr. Kelman, a past president of ASCRS, presented at an Annual Meeting. Source: ASCRS